You can help support the work of Vox Culture by donating to our organization. Your donations help make it possible to connect the Houston community to social causes in creative ways.

Every amount is helpful to us and we are grateful for every donor. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations and your giving is tax deductible. If you or your business or organization would like to donate to Vox Culture, you can do so in the following ways.


We have a nonprofit account with Paypal that helps us to receive donations online and through credit cards. Follow the Donate link below.


We can also receive checks. You can mail it to:

Vox Culture
1888 Stebbins Drive, Suite 200
Houston, TX 77043


We also accept in kind donations. This varies from year to year depending on our events and needs. If you would like to support us with this type of donation, please contact Viktor Kopic, Tax forms and letters are available upon request.