Vox Culture sees that professional artists also have a role and a voice in the community. With each project or event that we implement, we seek to include at least one artist and incorporate their talent(s) within our goal. By involving artists in the community, especially in addressing social issues pertaining to poverty and injustice, and using their gifts for raising awareness, we are able to best show how creativity and art can play a role in fixing various social issues.

Supporting Houston-based Artists

By involving professional artists in Vox activities, we are not only able to raise awareness amongst the public on social issues, but are also able to make them aware of the rich and diverse arts community that exists in Houston. We believe that the arts community is to be appreciated. Through our events, by promoting these Houston-based artists along with their vast wealth of talent, we strive to show the Houston community what each individual and/or group is all about and how their creativity can make a greater social impact.

Are you a Houston-based artist seeking to become a member and use your talents to help raise awareness around social issues? Please fill out our Artists Application.

Vox Artists