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SNAP! A Photo Contest


Wednesday, April 30th

La Madeleine - Carillon Plaza
10001 Westheimer Suite 2123

Vox Culture Houston is creating a photo club. If you like taking photos or simply like to hang out and see the work others are creating, we are bringing people together for a fun time to share, talk shop, learn, and make friends. Bring your camera, bring photos (print or memory card), and bring a few friends.

Our first club meeting will be held at La Madeleine - Carillon Plaza, 10001 Westheimer Suite 2123 on Wednesday, April 30th, 6:30-8:30pm. We will meet in the back room.

Future meetings will be announced on this website.

Vox Culture Houston is also sponsoring a photo contest. Come visit the club meeting to get details on our contest categories -- LAUGHTER, UNITY, FOOD, and GREEN.

The contest winners will be displayed at our next GLOBAL CAFE event.

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