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Introducing Vox Culture's Volunteer Coordinator and Research & Development Coordinator!

Introducing Vox Culture's Volunteer Coordinator, Humeira Akbar! Humeira is in charge of organizing, leading and empowering our volunteers! 

I moved to Houston about 8 years ago when my husband and I got married. My family lives in Virginia. I attended college at Mary Washington University in VA and received a Bachelor in Biology. After I moved, I worked for Baylor College of Medicine in genetics for three years. I quit working after my daughter was born. Now, my days are spent with my three year old daughter and I am loving every bit of it. 

What attracted you to VOX?     

 I want to make a difference in my community. The mission at VOX is simple yet powerful. Spreading awareness to important issues while having fun; it is just genius.  

What is your favorite ice cream?      

Coffee ice cream with twix mix-in. 

If you can have any super power what would it be and why?                            

Flying has always fascinated me. Being able to see the world from that vantage point would be amazing. 


Introducing Vox Culture's Research & Development Coordinator, Doubra Golden! Doubra plays a key role for the internal development side of Vox Culture, where she will post her writing that give an indepth and clear understanding of the social causes that Vox Culture focuses on.


What attracted you to VOX?                                             

As a Mental health advocate, the principles that underpin the work of Vox Culture – selflessness, charity, social inclusion, empowerment and enlightenment for those who are less privileged or have become displaced is what attracts me to this organization. The strength of this organization lies in not just the ability to inform and educate but incorporating entertainment in their approach to addressing social ills. The diversity of team members from various educational backgrounds, life experiences and concern for the welfare of others makes Vox culture an organization I am proud to be part of. As quoted in Jeremiah 29:7

“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you…
and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.”

Jeremiah 29:7

 What is your favorite ice cream?                

 My favorite ice cream is blueberry ice cream.

If you can have any super power what would it be and why?                                                 

If I had a super power it will be Teleportation. Teleportation will enable me go on holiday to any location and country of my choice free of charge.

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