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Introducing Vox Culture's Financial Coordinator Andrea Smith!

Welcome Andrea Smith, our Financial Coordinator. Andrea is in charge of the financial side of the orginization, where she establishes the annual budgets to ensure everything runs smoothly. 

My name is Andrea Smith, and though originally from Indiana, consider myself a Houstonian, having lived here for the most part since 1999. My professional background is varied, having owned and worked in the bar industry for a number of years, before graduating from Houston Baptist University in 2004 with a degree in Finance, where I then began working a branch of corporate finance and accounting known as Financial Planning & Analysis within the electricity industry. I don’t have many hobbies, but I enjoy most outdoor activities as well as cooking and entertaining.  I also have been known to frequent events at the Houston theatres and art museums.


What attracted you to Vox?

I liked the idea behind Vox, to use the arts and expression through art to give voice to the social issues within Houston. It just seemed like a perfectly natural fit, to use my analytic abilities to provide support to a group which aids local social causes, as well as allowing me to become more exposed to those with greater creative talents than mine.


What is your favorite ice cream?

Depending on my mood…  Usually either vanilla or mint-chocolate-chip, with hot fudge topping. If not craving sweet, probably a lemon sorbet.


If you can travel to any country in the world, where would it be and why?

New Zealand, or Romania, to go hiking, biking, and slow touring, as they are both said to be absolutely beautiful.

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