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Introducing Vox Culture's Photographers Laluu Hu and Julia Nguyen!

Introducing Laluu Hu and Julia Ngyuen! These lovely ladies are in charge of capturing moment and memories  of our events that occur through out the year. The images can be seen on our facebook page! 

I am an artist, and i am passionate about using my inspirations to create art pieces that can bring peace and clarity for my audience.

What attracted you to VOX?

For its clear purpose in diversity

What is your favorite ice cream?

Banana pudding ice cream

If you can have any superpower what would it be and why?

My superpower would be to fly like a bird in the sky


My name is Julia Nguyen and I am currently working as a front desk peson for a dental office. I am also a student at HCC.

What attracted you to VOX?

Vox has a lot of community services and volunteering opportunities with connections to many groups. I wanted to be affiliated with a community that gave me these opportunities and it seemed like a group that could broaden my mind and future. 

 What is your favorite ice cream?

Chocolate mint because it's my favorite color and it tastes magical; both sweet and refreshing.

If you can have any super power what would it be and why?

I think it would be the power of intelligence. That way I can invent myself wings instead of flying and invent endless creative possibilities like iron man.

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