
June Newsletter: Proclaiming Humanity summer hiatus

a. Recap: "Shards of Peace"
b. 8/26 Vox Local Arts Mixer (V+LAM) 
c. Introducing Vox Video Production Coordinator, Eric Dugal!
d. Support Vox!

As the Proclaiming Humanity series on domestic violence goes on a summer hiatus (to return with more events starting in September), be sure to follow up with Vox via our social media outlets for new developments, and join us to celebrate Houston's local arts in August!

On Saturday, May 31, Vox Culture welcomed the clients and volunteers of Tahirih Justice Center. to take part in a creative event at the Vox facilities. The third event from our Proclaiming Humanity series, Shards of Peace, addressed the issue of fomestic violence, and by having regular guests work in partnership with the clients of Tahirih Justice Center in making candle holder mosaics (which will be used at a later date to raise funds for Tahirih Justice Center).
shards of peace
The event was colorful and educational and allowed for a moment of inoccence and creativity, in the form of the project, and empowerment, in the form of taking action to complete the project. 

SAVE THE DATE!!! Join us on Tuesday, August 26, as Vox Culture hosts a Local Arts Mixer featuring some of Houston's top artists! The event will be taking place that date at Blackfinn American Grille (1910 Bagby St., Houston, TX 77002) from 6:00PM to 8:00PM. Come celebrate, network, and engage with local artists as you learn more about Vox! The entrance fee of $10 per person includes light bites and one complimentary drink provided by Blackfinn.Proceeds from this event will go towards supporting upcoming Vox projects and goals.

Featured artists at the event will be announced via our Facebook and Twitter pages beginning next week so be sure to check those out. IF you would like renia.bto donate towards this event, or find out about other ways to support Vox, contact renia.butler@voxculture.org.


Introducing Eric Dugal, Vox Culture's Video Production Coordinator! Eric's in charge of the editing and final production of Vox's video projects and promotional material, and plays a vital role in the planning and preparation of creative visual ideas. Be sure to keep an eye out for some of our upcoming video productions to get a taste of Eric's work! See his Spotlight profile here!

Do you like the changes happening at Vox? How about the events we have had so far this year, or in the past, or what lies ahead in the near future?

Well, we want you to keep coming to our events and spreading the word about Vox! More importantly, with the growth that has been taking place at Vox, we have been looking at creating stronger bonds with our donors while also creating fruitful partnerships with local businesses. Help Vox continue to get bigger, better, and even stronger!

If you are interested in making a donation to Vox whether as an individual, or through corporate-matching; or if you are a business owner and would be interested in learning more about becoming a community partner/supporter, please send your inquiries to ted.law@voxculture.org.

Have a great summer!


Spotlight: Vox Video Production Coordinator

Introducing Eric Dugal, Vox Culture's Video Production Coordinator! Eric's in charge of the editing and final production of Vox's video projects and promotional material, and plays a vital role in the planning and preparation of creative visual ideas. Be sure to keep an eye out for some of our upcoming video productions to get a taste of Eric's work!

My name is Eric Dugal, and I'm a film student at the Art Institute of Houston.  My passions are not just for humanitarian aid, but for good friends, and a good story.  There are two things I can't pass up, a good story and a good debate.  There are many things that I want to do in this world, but I really want to help humanity reach a higher level of cooperation and caring then ever before, and I believe Vox Culture can help make that happen.

What is your favorite ice cream?
Chocolate is my favorite ice cream; however, I may stray from chocolate from time to time, but I will always stay loyal to my favorite flavor of chocolate.
How can film/video, in your opinion, impact people's views on social issues?
A picture is worth a thousand words, and film is just many, many pictures moving very fast.  Then add a music, and good story, and you can move people in ways you couldn't even imagine.  A beautifully ordered shot with many moving images coupled with a stirring score can bring people to tears.  A film can be so powerful that you don't even need words to convey your feelings or what you want others to feel.
Which film or movie director has had the greatest impact, or left the deepest impression on you?
There are so many good directors that it's hard to pick just one that impacted me the most.  If I had to pick just one, it would be my friend who directed us in a short film that we made years ago.  I had so much fun filming it and then helping create the finally product that I eventually changed my entire life to pursue a directing career of my own.

March Newsletter​: Proclaimin​g Humanity Enlightens​!

a. Proclaiming Humanity: "Breaking Silence" Enlightens Audience
b. 4/12 Crawfish Boil 4.0!
c. Farewells: Keith Chan, Laurie Chen, Gerry Ahn
d. Support Vox!

The Proclaiming Humanity series continues to delve in the issue of domestic violence in the community with a powerful presentation provided at Breaking Silence. Before we continue with the series, join us in April as we take a small pause for our annual social gathering, the Crawfish Boil 4.0! 

On Saturday, March 29, Vox Culture hosted the second event from our Proclaiming Humanity series, Breaking Silence!
Breaking Silence, conducted in partnership with the Tahirih Justice Center featured breakdancing by Break Free Community Center, a poetry reading by Samira R. Noorali, and a panel discussion with experts on domestic violence from Houston's increasingly diverse population:
• Anne Chandler, JD - Houston Director, Tahirih Justice Center
• Mustafaa Carroll - Executive Director, Texas chapter of CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations)
• Bibi Khan - President, An-nisa Hope Center
• Abhilasha Vineet - Director of Community Education & Outreach, DAYA
• Cristal Cervantes - Community Educator, HAWC (Houston Area Women's Center)
These five inspirational leaders spoke on domestic violence and its impact on the Houston population, specifically within the communities they represented. A Q&A period followed their brief presentations.

b. 4/12 CRAWFISH BOIL 4.0!
It's that time of year again... when the Access Live Cooking Group and Vox Culture join forces to host... CRAWFISH BOIL 4.0! Our annual social gathering!!!
Crawfish Boil 4
Come join us for a great, delicious, and entertaining time on Saturday, April 12 from 11:00AM to 2:30PM at the Vox Culture Warehouse (8570 Katy Fwy, Suite 116, Houston, TX 77024).

Adults: $17 | Kids: $5 - IF you purchase your tickets via EVENTBRITE by Thursday, April 10 at 11:59PM! (Click here to purchase)
Adults: $21 | Kids: $8 - IF you purchase your tickets AT THE DOOR (Cash or Check will be accepted) on the day of the Crawfish Boil!

ALL YOU CAN EAT!!! BYOD (Bring Your Own Drinks)! Come join us for some good fun and good times!!!

LIVE MUSICAL PERFORMANCE by Joi Keeling (aka Sugar Joikoand company!

Proceeds will go to help fund the work of Vox Culture, a Houston-based arts & advocacy network!

This month, we say good-bye to three long-time volunteers and members of our Core Team: Keith Chan (audio & visuals specialist), Laurie Chen (member of board of advisors), and Gerry Ahn (IT support).
Keith Chan
laurie turkey leg
Laurie Chen
While some are making new strides and others are moving to different cities or states, we are left with the positive memories that each of these Core Team members left, and the tremendous work and dedication that all three have shown toward Vox Culture. From the website, to the tech support at events, and to the behind the scenes advice, Gerry, Laurie, and Keith have all been vital members of the team and will be missed... but every chapter in life holds reason and meaning, and we can wish nothing but the best for all three of them!

Do you like the changes happening at Vox? How about the events we have had so far this year, or in the past, or what lies ahead in the near future?

Well, we want you to keep coming to our events and spreading the word about Vox! More importantly, with the growth that has been taking place at Vox, we have been looking at creating stronger bonds with our donors while also creating fruitful partnerships with local businesses. Help Vox continue to get bigger, better, and even stronger!

If you are interested in making a donation to Vox whether as an individual, or through corporate-matching; or if you are a business owner and would be interested in learning more about becoming a community partner/supporter, please send your inquiries to ted.law@voxculture.org.

Until next time!


February Newsletter: Proclaiming Humanity's a hit!

a. 3/29 Proclaiming Humanity: Breaking Silence
b. Full House for 
Proclaiming Humanity: "A Simple Rebirth" by Samira Noorali! 
c. Introducing Vox Volunteer Coordinator, Kara Houston!

Proclaiming Humanity is off to a very strong start, promising to be our best year yet! Read on to see what Vox Culture has coming up!

a. 3/29 Proclaiming Humanity: Breaking Silence
Join us on Saturday, March 29, from 11:00AM to 1:00PM at the Vox Culture Warehouse for the second event from our Proclaiming Humanity series, Breaking Silence!
Proclaiming Humanity - Breaking Silence
Breaking Silence, conducted in partnership with the Tahirih Justice Center, will feature break dancing, poetry reading, and a panel discussion with experts on domestic violence from Houston's increasingly diverse population:

• Anne Chandler, JD - Houston Director, Tahirih Justice Center
• Mustafaa Carroll - Executive Director, Texas chapter of CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations)
• Bibi Khan - President, An-nisa Hope Center
• Abhilasha Vineet - Director of Community Education & Outreach, DAYA
• Cristal Cervantes - Community Educator, HAWC (Houston Area Women's Center)

These five inspirational leaders will speak on domestic violence and its impact on the Houston population, specifically within immigrant communities. A Q&A period will follow their brief presentations.

This event will include an opening poetry reading by Samira R. Noorali. Additionally, the youth of Break Free Community Center will demonstrate their support by breakdancing as a symbolic gesture of our community standing up for the victims of domestic violence and breaking the chain of silence.

Lunch can be purchased at the event! Entrance fee for this event is $10 per person! Children 12 & under enter free - access to a children's room with adult supervision will be made for this event, upon the request of any parent(s) attending Breaking Silence. In order to reserve a seat for this event, you can do so via Eventbrite here.

Let us stand up for the cause and raise the voice of the victims of domestic violence. Acting as one, we can break the chains and seek hope towards a better tomorrow for all affected by this issue!


Proclaiming Humanity starts off with a powerful, inspiring, and immensley succesful and sold out event! On Saturday, February 22, from 6:00PM-8:00PM, our audience gathered at The Doshi House as author Samira R. Noorali shared and discussed her extraordinary debut piece, A Simple Rebirth. You can purchase a copy and/or see reviews of Samira's book here.
A Simple Rebirth is a mosaic narrative following the journey of rape survivors from a place of emotional darkness to a place of healing and ultimate peace.
The book presentation was followed by a Q&A with the audience, book signing, as well as drinks and light bites that were provided by The Doshi House. You can see more pictures of the event here.

Introducing Kara Houston, Vox Culture's Volunteer Coordinator! Kara's in charge of helping mobilize, empower, and care for the most valuable asset of our organization... our volunteers! 

She is also the instructor of our new service, Art of Yoga - a one-hour Vinyasa session that takes place every Tuesday @ 7:00PM at the Vox Culture warehouse! Be sure to say hello next time you see her at one of our events, and see how she ignites the excitement in our team! See Kara's profile here!

To sign up or inquire about Art of Yoga, please send a message to kara.houston@voxculture.org.

See you at our next event!


Spotlight: Vox Volunteer Coordinator!

Introducing Kara Houston, Vox Culture's Volunteer Coordinator! Kara's in charge of helping mobilize, empower, and care for the most valuable asset of our organization... our volunteers! She is also the "lead yogi" aka instructor of our new service, "Art of Yoga" - a one-hour Vinyasa session that takes place every Tuesday @ 7:00PM at the Vox Culture warehouse! Be sure to say hello next time you see her at one of our events, and see how she ignites the excitement in our team!

My name is Kara Houston and I was born in Houston, TX. I lived in Los Angeles for 12 years working in the television and film industry and practicing yoga for fun. Two years ago I moved back to Houston and got certified to instruct yoga and follow my main passion. With a love for creativity Vox Culture gave me the chance to learn more about the arts that exist in my hometown while helping out community projects and working together with an awesome team!

What is your favorite ice cream?

Rocky Road.

Do you have a preference between museums, art galleries, and theaters?

Nope, because I love all of them and all of the above!

What is the most challenging yoga position that you have ever done - or can do?

"Scorpion" which is something that I am still working on, although really, there's no limit to any yoga poses.

What is your greatest motivation?

Yoga, and seeing its effect in people's lives.