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SEARCH Holiday Party - Sat 12/3

Meet the Wonderful Residents of SEARCH!

"The site where Vox will be throwing a Christmas Party is a permanent housing facility for formerly homeless people called Jackson Hinds Garden.  Many of the residents, although they have a roof over their heads, continue to struggle with issues that plagued them when they were on the streets: untreated mental illness, substance abuse, financial instability, and lack of social support, to name a few.  SEARCH received a grant a couple of years ago to partner with Jackson Hinds, which allowed SEARCH to place a team of staff on-site to work with the residents on these issues.  SEARCH staff provide intensive case management, life skills and substance abuse recovery groups, crisis intervention, and community-building support to the residents at Jackson Hinds. 

Vox's Christmas Party is going to be a fun, exciting breath of fresh air for the residents at Jackson Hinds!  For a community that has experienced deep trauma, marginalization, and voicelessness in society, having a group of people come in to spend the day with them will mean a lot.  This is a great opportunity for Vox to learn hands-on about the nuances of homelessness and to make a difference in a very personal and creative way!" ~ Phoebe Wong, SEARCH Staff  

Volunteer Sign-up: http://bit.ly/ujtSmp

  • Date: Saturday, Dec 3rd
  • Time: 9AM Volunteer Orientation @ warehouse | 10AM Set-up | 11:30-2PM Party
  • Location: Meet at Vox Warehouse: 8570 Katy Fwy, Suite 116 - Orientation required

**Orientation for parents bringing children is 9:15am this Sunday, 11/27 at the warehouse.  Free breakfast tacos provided for all those joining.  RSVP to judy.feng@accesslive.org.

Stocking Gift-Set $10.00:

Hang some holiday cheer for a resident at Jackson Hinds. Each stocking will be filled with toiletries, snacks, and a personalized card, from YOU. These will be gifted at the Holiday Party. Contact Alissa.Kit@voxculture.org to purchase.


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