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Bridging our Future: Vox Global Cafe II - Lee HS Session

Join Vox Culture for its second installment of the year from its 2015 series focusing of education in Houston, Bridging our Future! The series is being conducted in unison with our year's partner, the Houston Independent School District (HISD)

The Vox Global Cafe - Lee High School Session will take place, 
in 5 DAYS, on Sunday, February 22nd, 3PM-5PM at the Library of Lee High School (6529 Beverly Hill Street, Houston, TX 77057)! This is a FREE EVENT. Coffee and tea will be served. Please select and print your ticket to claim your seat by clicking here!
Global Cafe

The Vox Global Cafe is our signature educational event, designed to help us learn about and create dialogue with the people and the topics that we focus on each year.

This cafe session will feature Houston artist, and Lee HS Alumni, Betirri Bengston who will speak about his experience at the school, and showcase some of his art pieces.
Betirri 2

Futbol Series
Betirri 1

Border Series
Furthermore, Principal Jonathan Trinh and the administration and teachers of Lee High School. Issues discussed will include education in this Houston public school as well as our city at large. We will also showcase the art work of some of the students, possibly together with a special guest artist, a Lee High School alumnus .

Thanks to a new partnership with HISD, we are honored to work with Lee High School this year to provide workshops, projects, and mentorship to students. Please join us for this event and we hope to see you on Feb 22nd!

If you would like more information or if you’re interested in volunteering and/or mentoring, contact crystal.koo@voxculture.org.  


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