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Artist of the Month, SonKiss'd!

This month we are featuring SonKiss'd dance troupe that hails from Houston, TX 


How did SonKiss'd form? 

Sonkiss'd Dance Theater Started off with a group of guys with a true passion for Christ and entertainment who decided to create a platform through dance to inspire and create experiences so powerful audiences don't leave the same. 


What challenges and successes have you encountered? 

We put all the challenges and successes in one category and call it experiences lol. We're constantly learning, growing, adding and taking away. A challenge can easily turn into a success once you figure out a way to over come and success can easily become a challenge if you stop being innovative and presenting fresh ideas, especially in arts and entertainment. 


 What ways can the community support SonKiss'd?

I think the best way the community can support us is to continue supporting our concerts and events and reposting our videos and fliers. We want to see the world and we want the world to see us! 



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