
3/23 Journeys Collide: Vox Culture Fundraiser

Celebrate Vox Culture's five year anniversary at the "Journeys Collide" Fundraiser on Saturday, March 23rd. The banquet will be held at Chateau Crystale, the venue where Vox had its very first event, "Global Cafe", in 2008! Enjoy an hors d'oeuvres buffet, art, music and dance lesson as you learn about the organization's journey of growth, how it has combated issues of poverty and injustice through creativity, and its vision moving forward.

Featured artists include:

  • Yan Shen - Chinese Pianist
  • Kristopher Butler - Local Rapper and Musician
  • Albanian-American Dancers
  • Amanda de Rosario - Latin Painter
  • Darnell Allen- Salsa Instructor

Attire is dressy casual appropriate for a night of celebrating different cultures. Wear your cultural best! Doors open at 6:30PM. Tickets are $40 per individual and $70 per couple.  

RSVP AT JOURNEYSCOLLIDE.EVENTBEE.COM. We invite you to be our guest and journey with us!


Vox Culture 2013 Theme: "In Full Spectrum"

The year is rolling out strong and Vox is excited to be a stage where individuals can LEARN about poverty & injustice, BE CONNECTED to local organizations making great change, and DISCOVER their creative gifts and leverage it for good. 

To set the framework for 2013, Vox has chosen the theme "IN FULL SPECTRUM". 

[Def: A spectrum (plural spectra or spectrums) is a condition that is not limited to a specific set of values but can vary infinitely within a continuum.] In the 17th century the word spectrum was introduced into optics, referring to the range of colors observed when white light was dispersed through a prism.

Our aim is to disperse the perceptions that people have about the issues we want to tackle and to reveal the varying degrees of diversity, beauty, pain, and hope of stories untold within these categories.

Through your input on the desired causes to highlight, Vox looks forward to journeying with you through different perspectives in:

  • Immigration Stories
  • Drugs & Alcohol Stories
  • Hunger Stories



Spotlight: Vox Audio Visual Specialist!

Introducing Keith Chan, Vox Culture's Audio Visual Specialist! As we seek to continue to bring our audience quality events, Keith is our expert on addressing technical issues pertaining to the audio and visual resources used by Vox. Be sure to come check out upcoming Vox events and see how Keith is helping give both vision and sound to what we do!

I am an Architecture and Environmental Design graduate from the University of Houston, and I went to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for grad school to get my Masters in Architectural Acoustics. Right now, I work in architecture doing multi-family housing. When I’m not working, I enjoy playing music, watching sports and eating out. Oh and I’m a total sucker for musicals. I joined Vox a few months after moving back to Houston in 2011. I was immediately drawn to what they stood for and thought to myself, “This is totally something I could get behind.” With Vox, I have the opportunity to use something as simple as my A/V skills to help make an impact on the community around us.

What is your favorite icecream? I am actually lactose intolerant; so don’t eat too much ice cream (if at all). However, I really love froyo. Although it’s still dairy, yogurt is cured of lactose, which makes it a much more pleasant experience for me (and everyone around me =X). But if I do eat ice cream, I really like Mexican Vanilla from Amy's Ice Cream.

What is your favorite type of music? Yeesh. Tough question. I like a lot of different genres, but it’s really a toss-up between classic rock and musicals. I really like the combination of the depth of lyrics and the musical compositions of classic rock artists. However, I love the story-telling combined with the scores and awesome voices of musicals. I would absolutely love to sing in a musical some day.

What is your favorite instrument and what do you love most about it? My favorite instrument can change based on my mood at any given moment. Normally, it’s the acoustic guitar. But there’s something about the drums that’s just totally therapeutic. It’s probably just the ability to hit things and call it music. But yeah, I’ve been playing the guitar for well over 10 years now. I think it’s the instrument I play the best. It’s just so versatile—you can play loud, exciting music or something mellow and relaxing.

What is it about architecture that interests you the most and what is one structure in the world that you find absolutely fascinating? I enjoy architecture because it is really an art form that affects people's lives. From buildings as large as museums and skyscrapers to something as simple as an apartment unit, it is design that changes lives. Right now, I am working in multi-family residential architecture, and I would like to think that at least some of the work I do helps future occupants' daily lives, even if they may not notice it too much. One space that I really like, but haven't had the chance to see yet is Tadao Ando's Church on the Water in Hokkaido, Japan. Ando is one of my favorite architects. His use of water, texture, scale, and even how the building changes with the seasons are just incredible. Actually, Ando also designed the Modern Art Museum in Ft. Worth, TX, which I think is one of the coolest spaces I've had the privilege to see.


"Winding Road: My Immigration Story" by Viktor Kopic (Part III)

With no luck in the job hunt up in Washington, D.C., and feeling that I needed a new start, I decided to head for Texas and look for a Political Science Master’s Degree program that was still taking applicants in December (in order to begin in January). I ended up signing up with the University of Texas at San Antonio, where I received my renewed F-1 student visa.

During my last semester at UTSA, I would begin to look for job opportunities again, but having been worn out from all the moving in a short period of time, I began focusing on offers within Texas. In addition, another major reason for my decision to stick around in Texas had to do with my parents’ immigration battle.

My parents on their wedding day.

After a total of nearly thirteen years, they were still unable to obtain a Green Card, and to make matters worse, after the application for their Green Card had been denied originally in 2009 (which led to a further appeal of the decision), the INS had sent them a letter in the earlier part of 2012, asking for additional evidence to appeal the decision. The reason for the 2009 denial and 2012 letter from the INS was because, our now former lawyer (who was fired just a few years before from the law firm we are using) had made a mistake when sending the application for my father to the INS in 2007. In the simplest terms possible, the mistake was in regards to listing my father’s education on the application at a higher level than what it really was. The INS, being an institution that only sees the black and the white, and really does not use much actual thought for anything else, saw this mistake as an attempt of being “dishonest” in the application and stated that based on the job description and education requirements given by our previous lawyer, that my father was “not qualified” for a job in the field that he has been in for about 35 years, and who is one of the most respected and sought after individuals in the global shipping community.

Pictures of my father, during his younger years sailing on the ship.

However, despite using certain “connections” through acquaintances in an attempt to write letters and intervene, and the law firm admitting that it was in fact their mistake and providing further proof required by the government, we have yet to hear back from the INS as to what the final verdict will be. All our lawyers however have said that the worst is to be expected, and therefore my parents, with the full support of my father’s company’s headquarters in Germany, have already made arrangements to leave the U.S. for a minimum of 12 months, during which they will be in Hamburg, Germany. While they were supposed to hear from the INS in December, they have not as of yet, but the latest the verdict would come in is expected at the end of February 2013. If our fears our confirmed they would leave the country soon after, and make a comeback in about 15 months under what is called the L visa… which we were told MUCH later by the same law firm that we had used all this time that, had we applied for the L visa, specially for someone in my father’s position, the process may have gone much quicker and smoother.

Recent picture of my folks.

Expecting this outcome, I began making preparations to move from San Antonio to Houston for what I thought would be a brief period. Balancing the thought of maybe leaving the U.S. as well and taking one of several offers in Europe, around the same time, a friend of mine who had then been working with a communications company up in Dallas told me of a position that had become available that he thought I’d be a great fit for. Little behold, just as I began typing in the communications company’s name online, the search option pulled up the name of a different organization that had a similar name to the communications company up in Dallas. This one though was called Vox Culture Houston. Thinking that is was somehow affiliated with the communications company (which turned out to be that it was not); I decided to check it out and was immediately hooked by what I saw. The rest, as it is said, is history, and I am where I am today. What happens next only tomorrow will tell.

Helping present at a Vox Culture event.

As I stated in the very first blog posting, if I could sum up my experience in the U.S. so far in one word, I do not believe it would be one that would be appropriate from a professional stance. However, when I look back at the last thirteen (going on fourteen) years of my life, where I’ve been and where I am now… I have found that my overall experience with the immigration system has played a key part in the making of who I am today. The challenges that I face (together with my family) are still there, and will likely remain as such for the foreseeable future… and while there have been bumps along my path where I’ve felt lost and broken, having found this unplanned and unexpected path that I’m currently on has given my soul a sense of resurrection. Doing the work that I do now has given me a sense of definition and completion, while giving me the optimism to believe that something better lies ahead. More importantly, I believe, it has given me the will and the energy to stand up and fight for what I believe is right, and try to live my life by my own rules and choices as best possible, while giving a voice to a side of an issue many are unaware of. What I am most grateful for however, is that when I look at the overall experience… I realize that I have become more aware of who I am and what I stand for.

In order for brevity, I will end this chapter of my story with a poem by William Ernest Henley, Invictus, that over the years I’ve found both inspiration in (the poem as well as the poet himself), and which I have felt best captures this winding road, my immigration story.

Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be,

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance,

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance,

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears,

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years,

Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll.

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul.


Spotlight: Vox Arts Ambassador!

Introducing Darnell Allen, Vox Culture's Arts Ambassador! As we seek to further engage and build a deeper relationship with Houston's arts community, Darnell is helping Vox learn about the multitude of artists that exist in the city and the creative gifts that all of them have to offer. Stay tuned to the Vox FaceBook page to see what Darnell is up to, while he continues to share his creative talents with the community and raise awareness of the gems that exist within the Houston arts scene!

I am a Bank Customer Service Representative by day, and a Dancer/Dance Instructor by night, and a big Fan of Everything Artistic!! I chose to join Vox because I have this desire to help and to learn! And I see that same desire in all of Vox Culture! And add in the fact that Vox strives to help, while doing so with an Artistic theme attached, and that was enough for me to join! I feel that Vox helps on so many different levels. We can help a particular Organization with their Cause, while informing people of what can be done to help and/or to learn more, while at the same time helping an Artist gain new exposure, experience and a possible new fan base. I am also inspired by the awesome people of the Vox Core Team!

What is your favorite icecream? Hmmm… Tough one!! So, I am a HUGE FAN of Ice Cream! Especially Blue Bell! But to pick a particular flavor would be hard… There are so many!! I guess I’d say… Blue Bell’s “Ultimate Neapolitan” (It’s Dutch Chocolate, Homemade Vanilla, and Strawberries & Homemade Vanilla all in one!)

What is your favorite song? Well, I love so many different types of music, and so many different songs, but if I had to pick favorites, I’d maybe say… Thriller and Off The Wall by Michael Jackson, and Canned Heat by Jamiroquai. Thriller has always been my favorite song and music video! No contest! And the other 2 songs have great rhythms and I love their lyrics! I love these songs because they remind me of just dancing off any worries, hard times, and struggles we may be going through, we know that we can get through it!

Who is (or are) your dancing inspiration? Who do you aspire to be as a salsa dancer? Dance itself is my inspiration! I guess I’d say that all people out there learning to dance also inspire me! I don’t aspire to be like any other particular dancer. My preference is to make sure that when I dance, that I am dancing my own style. I have experienced and danced many different dance styles, and I let all of that become part of my way on the dance floor. And I make sure that I continue to learn!

If you could have a dance-off with three other famous individuals (whether professional dancers or actor/actress known for a memorable dance in a movie) who would they be? Good one… I would say Kevin Bacon in Footloose and the guy from the new Footloose movie. Oh, and the guy from Save The Last Dance. It would be fun to have a Freestyle Salsa dance off with some of the Choreographers from So You Think You Can Dance, because I love the show!

Are you a fan of any current (or previously existing) dancing shows? I am a huge fan of So You Think You Can Dance!! I like this show so much because it takes a dancer that is used to dancing their particular style, and gives them many different styles to experience and explore!! So many people get stuck in their one way, and forget that there is soooo much more out there!! We just have to be willing to try!! Like Bruce Lee said… “Be Water My Friends!” I relate this saying to a lot more than just Martial Arts.